There are many uses and benefits of saffron and one of them is it’s use in maintaining a dry skin as a result of its hydrating properties.

This is why it’s used in the production of many hydrating creams, facial masks, heavy moisturizers and scrubs.

Milk and Saffron Face Mask

For Skin Brightening


  • 4 strands of saffron
  • 2 teaspoons of milk


Heat up/boil your milk.

Next, pour just two teaspoons of the hot milk into a small bowl. Add about 4 strands of saffron.

Leave the mixture to cool down completely.

When it has cooled down, get a tea strainer and strain the milk into another small bowl. You will have collected the soaked saffron strands in the tea strainer.

Using a spoon, start crushing up the soaked up saffron strands. By doing this, you will be extracting more of the saffron which will make your milk more yellow in color.

When all the saffron is mashed up, your face mask is ready for application.

Using a face mask brush, apply the mixture onto your face and neck. Leave this saffron face mask on for about five minutes or until it is completely dried up.

Wet a cotton pad/sponge and start removing the mask gently until it all comes off.

Rinse off with tepid to cold water and pat dry.

Honey and Saffron Face Mask

For Skin Glowing


  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron
  • 1 teaspoon honey


In a small bowl, add 1/2 teaspoon of saffron Powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the two thoroughly until well combined. Apply this onto your face using a face mask brush.

Wait for about ten minutes for the goodness to sink in before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Pat dry with a fluffy towel.

Yogurt, Lemon and Saffron Face Mask

For Acne


  • 1 teaspoon of Saffron
  • 4 tablespoons of Plain Yogurt
  • 2 Lemons (lemon juice or fresh lime)
  • Water (optional)


Mix the yogurt, lemon juice, and saffron together. Then add a little water to lessen the thickness if required. Apply the mixture on your face and wait for it to dry off. Afterwards, wash off the mask with plain water. You can repeat 2 to 4 times a week as you see fit. You’re going to start seeing a more fresh and refined face after the first week.